Project: Residential Development
Location: British Columbia
Size: 200 m3/d (50,000 gpd)
Contract: Design-Build-Operate

Key objectives: modular and expandable; enhanced nitrogen reduction; odorless and noiseless

In 1997, ECOfluid provided a wastewater treatment plant to service approximately 50 residential units at the then new Mill Springs Village development in Mill Bay, BC. The plant was situated close to a water supply aquifer, stipulating a very stringent effluent quality discharge permit: BOD, TSS and Total Nitrogen each less than 10 mg/L, Turbidity less than 2 NTU and Fecal Coliform of less than 2.2/100 mL.

Matching the growth of the community, the plant has undergone several modular expansions and upgrades increasing the plant capacity to 400 residential units equivalent. It features mechanical influent screening, USBF® bioreactors, polishing sand filters, and UV disinfection. ECOfluid operates the plant under contract with the developer.